Saturday, February 12, 2011

Rockin' At the Sport Center Lounge.

Thanks goes out to all the folks who caught the fever at the Sport Center Lounge. We had an awesome time.

Tonight was the first official booking for the "Cabin Fever Band" return. The first of many more shows to come.

We used Evan's mixer tonight, so we had a few sound issues tonight. I think we will be using Mike Levins system from now on until we get a better setup. Half way through the night, we blew a main speaker. That was part of the sound problem. I noticed it when I loaded it in the truck. The speakers are about 25 years old, so it's really no surprise.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Booked At The Blue Sky Saloon On March 5th.

Evan had to work a little bit today, so he was late getting to practice. Even with that, it was still a productive rehearsal.

Chad, Andy and I met at Evan's about 2:00 PM. We added another song to the list while we were waiting for Evan and fine tuned it when Evan finally arrived a little after 4:00. Practice lasted about an hour later than usual.

Evan booked us for March 5th at the Blue Sky Saloon in Cedaredge. Unfortunately, it is for a private party, but maybe it'll work into something else.

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